Friday, May 8, 2015


I'm designing a character named "Ime". Ime doesn't have a story exactly, she just kinda sprouted up from some drawings I used to do when I was younger. I used to fantasize about a race of humanoid monkey people that lived in the trees. Actually I still do that...

This one is circa who knows when. You can see its not a very advanced drawing. Its full of stick figures. At this point the people living in the trees didn't have tails. That came later.

This is also super old. But here we have some tails. And tools. Ime wouldn't make stone spear tips or arrow heads because her village is so high up in the canopy that her species never makes it to the ground. They would most likely use arrow heads carved from the bone of large birds. The bones are strong yet lightweight, making a very fast flying arrow.

Here she is in a quick digital painting I threw together a few months back. She's got arrows fletched with the wing feathers of an Indigo colored bird, and is wearing some decoration made from the feathers of the same bird. Although you cant see them here, the bones that make up the arrow heads of her arrows come from this same Indigo bird.

In another post I'll detail how I'm actually building a model of Ime.

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